Tuesday, June 7, 2016


wen pepl go up to ti and sey that tey nid to loos weight, then ti seys... U C TEESE NIPPLES, TEY WERE MAYDE TO GO 1st!

Monday, June 6, 2016

ti dunk

wen ti seys that he kin dunk bout he niver shoew u but he stilll seys he kin. wen pepls ax him if he kin dunk he just sey tat he need to stretch and thin he flex his mussles and nevr dunks. ti knows wats gooin on

Sunday, June 5, 2016

bithrroom tiem

wen ti seys tat it wensdah me doodles. sad cuz frog toe die from aids tat massr reynolds Gove meh. will now have herbal throo toobe

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Ti powder

wen ti seys thit orenge joose isnt good cuz has no proteen powder. So ti sets OPEN WIDE cuz he haz em-r-gen-c proteen powder and he cum in ur mouth

Friday, June 3, 2016

smazh beeetls

wen c beeetl and it just sit theyre lyke WAT DA FUK U WANT NIGGA so u try to throw roks at it but that no wrk. thin the beeetl on the moov and u chuk rock at it and it hit and beeetl guts go evrywere. will eet latr

sry i no post yeestrday

Wednesday, June 1, 2016


tink i will change layot littel bit. comment HAIL HITLER if u like it

ti doug

wen ti seys he need to go aweh fir 3 weks to take care of doug. fownd owt dat doug is yiddish fir baby. then mr sheridan cum in and teech. sad cuz cat p fell off cownter and splash on brand new yeezey js 23. thit kat p was favrit. will hav to keep a sniff glue rabut latrr

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

techer review

wen find owt thit teecher see u reeview about blms and think that only wey teh calm doown is to drink some bleech cuz thought that she was talkin a-bout my blog. alo find owt dat cockroachers r good fir helth

Monday, May 30, 2016

i back

wen u cum back from fingerin ti's bum hole to shovin pen in ear. i now eet snow so i kin servive with p. u need to stop eatin ham so fish kin re-pop-u-late

Friday, May 27, 2016

no intrnit

wen u hive 2 go aweėy for wekind and finger TI'S butthole. Sad cuz pepl don't like railways. See u on mondeey

pepl in aliska

wen reealiz thit pepl in aliska reed yur blog and thin u reealize thit they r crazy cuz it dark twenty 4=7. now i have to go p. sweet dreames.
pS'/ i have a keep ferrets in me ureethra

Thursday, May 26, 2016

computr scren

wen ti seys he woold nevr wint a job were u seet infrint of computr screen all day cuz u git fat evin if he git oferd 1 millon $...
but it wrkd out for teese pepl...

and menny mor pepl

Tuesday, May 24, 2016


wen tI coms too yur room and hee suck on yur toe. sad cuz toe was am-pu-ta-ted. had to eat frog so calm down